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The Purpose of the Youth Diploma 1 Course is to give attendees, whether you are a professional academy coach, junior coach, teacher or parent a greater understanding of how to plan & deliver more effective coaching sessions.

This will be made possible by learning to use the Coerver® Coaching Session Planner which will provide a quick & easy solution for all attendees to construct weekly, monthly or even season long programmes using proven, high quality drills and games from Coerver® Coaching.

Dates: Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June 2016
Venue: Rangers FC, Murray Park, Auchenhowie Road, Milngavie, Glasgow G62 6EJ
Time: 9:30am-16:30pm
Cost: £199

To Book & Full Course info click or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Intro & YD1 Course Instructor: Gordon Craig

Gordon Craig (Coerver® Scotland and Portugal Director)

Gordon has been involved in football as a coach and consultant for over 25 years and has travelled the globe working with top players and clubs. Gordon has become renowned as a top coach and presenter when it comes to youth player development.

  • Coerver® Technical Coaching Consultant at Rangers FC
  • Consultant at Sport Lisboa e Benfica
  • National Scottish FA Elite performance Coach 2012-2015
  • Assistant Coach SFA National team youth coaches 2012-2015
  • The Director of Coerver® Coaching Scotland and Portugal
  • Member of the Coerver® European Technical Committee.

Youth Diploma 1 Course

The Purpose of the Youth Diploma 1 Course is to give attendees, whether you are a professional academy coach, junior coach, teacher or parent a greater understanding of how to plan & deliver more effective coaching sessions.

This will be made possible by learning to use the Coerver® Coaching Session Planner which will provide a quick & easy solution for all attendees to construct weekly, monthly or even season long programmes using proven, high quality drills and games from Coerver® Coaching.

Event Properties

Event Date 11-06-2016 9:30 am
Event End Date 12-06-2016 4:30 pm
Individual Price £199.00
Location Murray Park

We have limited spaces available on the course (in some age groups), TO BOOK please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (with players name and dob).

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