
    When Coerver® Coaching launched it's new 3 part DVD series and book entitled
    'A New Era' it did more than just extend its product range. These new products contained the blueprint for Coerver® Coaching going into the new Millennium. This new curriculum is represented by The Pyramid of Player Development©1997 which consists of 6 building blocks. Each block combines dozens of games and training exercises for all ages and many have been featured in the Coerver® Coaching book, "Master class" series and the "New Era" video series. All the exercises can be used by both coaches who are planning team training sessions and by players practicing on their own. Ball Mastery is the foundation of every player's development and becomes essential for progress through the pyramid. But don't think of this as a ladder, where one level must be mastered before continuing to the next level. Instead each step is integral to the others and the player improvement is achieved, as the techniques at each level become stronger.

    • Group Attack

      Exercises and games that improve small group play
      with emphasis on Fast Break Attacks

    • Finishing

      Exercises and games that improve technique and
      encourage instinctive play around the goal

    • Speed

      Exercises and games to improve agility, acceleration
      and power with and without the ball

    • Moves (1v1)

      Exercises and games that teach game winning
      individual moves and create space against packed defences

    • Receiving And Passing

      Exercises and games to improve 1st touch and to
      encourage accurate and creative passing

    • Ball Mastery

      1 player 1 ball. Repetition ball control exercises with both feeteee

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