Since the middle of March all our on-field coaching sessions have been postponed due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This includes Partner Club sessions, Performance Academy and Holiday Clinics.

    We’ve continued to communicate with all customers either by email, social media or through our website and have created new online products to help support players keep both physically and mentally active.

    We’ve been busy during the enforced COVID-19 break with the launches of our Online Home Practice, Young Creators competition and Virtual Performance Academy. All to keep players physically and mentally active. More recently we launched our Virtual Performance Academy for Clubs and Teams to get them started back to team training albeit virtually.

    In addition to these new initiatives, we’ve continued to support coaches delivering two online Coerver Intro Webinars to over 160 coaches. Our own coaches also continued their own training and development with Co-Founder, Alf Galustian, delivering two online Coerver® Coaching Global updates as well as local training for our own coaches around Scotland.

    Return to Coerver®

    As we come through Phase 1 of the Government easing of lockdown restrictions, we anticipate on 18 June 2020 a further easing and we’ll go into Phase 2 of our Return to Coerver® Programme. This gives Coerver® Coaching Scotland an opportunity to get back to ‘on-field’ training albeit with restricted numbers and following all Scottish Government and National Football Federation guidelines.

    Being planned and prepared will allow us to restart programmes as soon as it’s safe to do so and take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of our players, coaches, parents and spectators.

    We’re also excited to continue to support our Virtual Performance Academy players across Scotland and launch new programmes for players, coaches and with our Partner Clubs.


    Gordon Craig – Owner/Director of Coerver® Coaching Scotland

    “We’ve been working behind the scenes since lockdown began to make sure we’d be in a strong position to return to coaching when safe to do so. Our focus is to make sure that it’s safe for our players, parents and coaches to return and have clear guidelines for everyone involved. This includes the professional facilities we use.

    As the World’s Number 1 Soccer Teaching Method, some of our Coerver® Teams around the world have already started back. We’ve been in regular contact to listen and take on their guidance. In addition to this, our Technical Director, Joe Jones, has also been working through the Government and National Federations guidelines as we look at our RETURN TO COERVER® programme of events.

    As we see the ease of the lockdown restrictions, we’re excited as part of our next steps to be able offer our Coerver® Masterclass – Small Group Sessions for players and continue to support our Virtual Performance Academy for both players and Clubs/Teams.

    We’ll continue to monitor the developments and have created a Priority Booking and Pre-Registration system for new programmes we’ll launch when it’s safe to do so. You can access this on our website.”

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