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As you may be aware the Scottish Government yesterday (24 June 2020) gave an update on Scotland's route map and indicative dates for the remainder of Phase 2 and early Phase 3.

Part of this announcement was for ‘Organised outdoor contact sports can resume for children and young people (subject to guidance) - 13 July. This is a hugely positive statement and we’re excited about the prospect of getting back to ‘on-the-pitch’ training.

Our planning and preparation will allow us to restart programmes as soon as it’s safe to do so and in line with all guidance provided by the Scottish Government, National Football Federations and the professional private and local authority facilities/venues we use.

Returning to coaching in a safe environment, whilst giving players an authentic Coerver® experience with serious fun and supporting their development, is our priority.

We’ll continue to update you on our plans to Return to Coerver® and new procedures/guidelines as soon as we can.

If you want to register for any of our programmes, we’ve created a ‘Pre-Registration and Priority Booking’ form on our website. Got to - – to register.


Gordon Craig – Owner/Director of Coerver® Coaching Scotland

Gordon 1

“We welcome the First Minister’s announcement yesterday that organised outdoor contact sports can resume for children and young people (subject to guidance) could return as early as 13 July.

As a professional organisation, we’re committed to creating a fun, challenging and safe environment to play. We’re assessing the impact on our programmes and events and seeking further guidance from the National Football Federations and the government to consider what changes will need to be made in line with any new guidance.

We’re prepared to return to coaching and our focus continues to be sure that when we do return, it’s safe for our players, parents and coaches and we have clear guidelines for everyone involved. This includes the all the professional facilities we use which we’ll be working closely with over the coming days and weeks.

We anticipate a high volume of players looking to get back training and we’ve created a Priority Booking and Pre-Registration system for our new programmes, and you can access this on our website.”

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